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OshKosh and Carters Coupons

Thursday, May 27, 2010 | | 1 comments
Memorial Day always brings great sales! Here are two coupons good thru June 2nd, that you may want to use if you are heading out to do some shopping during the holiday weekend!
Both stores (OshKosh, and Carters) are having great sales right now, so combine these coupons with SALE prices, and score some super sweet prices

Coupons in Sunday's Paper

Monday, May 24, 2010 | | 1 comments
In the Daily Herald you should have received:
1 SS insert
1RP insert

In the SLT/DMN you should have received
1 SS insert
To read about how the Red Plum coupons are distributed click here!

To start your newspaper coupons right away, learn about the BEST newspaper deal we can get you here. We highly reccommend that if you are going to take the coupon plunge you become a subscriber to the paper. This week each paper delivered had 3 sample boxes of GM cereal in them. I ended up with 12 boxes between my 4 papers! Yummy!
*If you ordered the paper and you didn't receive your paper or didn't get the correct number of papers please call the newspaper company first and let them know. Their numbers are on the left side of the blog. Occasionally if you are new to a route your carrier may miss your home. The newspaper companies are super easy to work with and will make sure your papers are delivered.
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