I heart my full pantry!
Yep! I do. Silly I know but I love it so much! I love that using coupons and grocery smarts list That's my confession from a "couponer" this week. As I was planning for a family event I made a grocery list and then shopped from my own shelves. My husband looked at the list I had made when I was done "shopping" in my pantry and was AMAZED at all the things I had crossed off the list because we already had them on hand. It was so much fun! Lots of times when I bring products home for ridiculously low prices I will write how much I spent on them vs. regular price. When we added it up there was over $100 in savings just on the ONE list I had made for a family party we will be having. Cool huh? The list of things that do need to be purchased had just produce and milk (not things I keep 3 months of on hand =) )
Do you love your full pantry that has come from using coupons too?