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Mega Swag Bucks Friday and How Much Closer We Are To Our Goal

Friday, February 12, 2010 |

Search & Win

A couple months ago I shared with you about a new way to search the internet called Swagbucks. You get paid in "swag bucks" to search the internet the same way you already search for things. After you earn your swagbucks you can redeem them for gift cards and other prizes from the swag store. You can read my post about swagbucks here for all the details.

As if it was already sweet enough to get rewarded for doing something you are already doing, how about having a MEGA swag buck day!

"Every Friday, Swagbucks gives you a chance to win huge, gargantuan, oodles, tons of....Mega Swag Bucks with your searches. From 3 to 100 Swag Bucks, we give away up to 10,000 Swag Bucks in Mega Bills every Friday!"
Taken from Swag Bucks official blog

So, make sure on Friday's you do some MEGA searching to win MEGA swag bucks! Be sure to check out our Swag Bucks tips here.
If you don't already have Swag Bucks go here to sign up. After you sign up check your e-mail and they will let you start searching!

Emily and I can't believe the amount of Swag Bucks we have earned since we first started. We plan on surprising our husbands with airline tickets from Swag Bucks! So far Emily and I have $350 to Southwest Airlines! Swag Bucks is seriously like having FREE money! All you have to do is search the Internet using Swag Bucks and you earn the bucks! I almost always win at least one Swag Buck within my first three or four searches and on Fridays I am sure to throw in tons of extra searching! There was one Friday when I did win 50 Swag Bucks in one search!!!!!

Our hard work is totally paying off though! You can check out the prizes you can earn from Swag Bucks, but Emily and I are only interested in the Swag Bucks gift cards they offer. Each week we are going to share with you how much closer we are to our Swag Bucks Airline tickets!

  • Goal $1000.00 in Southwest Airline Gift Cards
  • We will need 20 $50 Gift Cards to Accomplish this goal
  • Each $50 to Southwest cost us 550 Swag Bucks
  • That means we still need 13 gift cards or 7150 Swag Bucks
Be sure to jump on this and start earning your Swag Bucks too!

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