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Just a Friendly Reminder

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 |

This is just a reminder for everyone that today is the day the grocery stores put new items on sale. Here is a schedule of where most of She Shops Smarts readers shop:

Albertsons-Wednesday-Tuesday (check for your stores hours)

Smiths- Wednesday-Tuesday (check for your stores hours)

Macey's- Wednesday-Tuesday (check for your stores hours)

Associated Foods- Some run Wednesday-Tuesday, others run Monday-Saturday(check with your store to be certain)

Walgreens- Sunday-Saturday (check for your stores hours)

The grocery stores weekly circulars come in the mail on Tuesdays. If you aren't getting them call the stores 1-800 number and request to be on their mailing list. Remember, that you don't have to have them though because that is what the grocery smarts lists are and if you want one and you didn't get it or forgot it, they usually keep them by self checkout or behind customer services desk. The ones by the door aren't the ones with the "in-store" ad coupons in them.


Shelly and Jo Goodall said...

What is this all about????

Mitchell Family said...

This is just a reminder of when the grocery stores rotate their sales. That means its time to go shopping again.

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