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Thanks for your ideas!

Friday, August 7, 2009 |
So, I was just about ready to share some of my zucchini with my neighbors when I saw that a bunch of readers have shared some great recipes and ideas. I think I am going to keep it and try some of these this weekend! Thank you so much for sharing!

From Brittany:
mmmm... I grew up with Fried Zucchini. You cut it up, dip it in egg, then ritz cracker crumbs and cook/fry in butter with salt and pepper on them! Yumm it is amazing! Let me know if you do try it!

Brittany, I will be trying this one tonight! It sounds so good! Thanks!

From Brittany:
I got this one from my Mother in law. It is a Egg and Zucchini casserole. You just put egg and copped Zucchini in a casserole dish Cheese mixed in it and bake it until it doesn't jiggle. Then you put the dryed onions on top.

From Shelley:

This is not really a recipe, but when we are swimming in zuchinni, I freeze it for future use. If you shred it and then measure it into two cup increments (or whatever your favorite recipe calls for) and then freeze it in a baggie, you can use it quickly. When it thaws, it will be very watery, that's okay because zuchinni has a naturally high water content, just throw the entire contents of your pre-measured bag in your recipe and you can have warm zuchinni bread at Christmas time! :)

From Mel:

Chop the zuchinni up and boil in water until soft. Puree and freeze. This is great to add to minestrone and other soups in the fall/winter.

Thanks Shelley and Mel and for the tips! I love having things ready to use! It makes me so much more motivated to cook/bake when some of the work is already done. Thanks for the recipe ideas Brittany, I cant wait to try them!

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